Principal's Desk

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Principal's Desk

"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:16       Greetings from HCS!

Welcome to Holy Child School, a place where academic excellence intertwines with the spirit of compassion. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we take this moment to reflect on the remarkable journey that has shaped us into the institution we are today.

Our school was founded with a vision of creating competent and compassionate global citizens. Over the past decade, we have remained committed to this noble cause, striving to provide not only top-notch education but also an environment where understanding, respect, and empathy flourish.

“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.”These words of George Washington Carver resonate deeply with the mission of Holy Child School. We understand that knowledge empowers individuals and it positively impacts lives.The lessons learned within these walls extend far beyond textbooks and exams. We teach our students to live their life to the full. 

Our journeyhas just begun. With a commitment to continuous improvement and a focus on educating the whole person, our school plays a pivotal role in shaping future leaders who embrace diversity, respect others' beliefs, and contribute positively to the global community.We stride forward with the firm belief in our school motto: "Always more, always better".

Today, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the parents, staff members and students who have been an integral part of our journey. Together, we have created a tapestry of diversity, where the threads of kindness and knowledge intertwine to form the fabric of a harmonious community.

As we look forward, we reaffirm our commitment to excellence, empathy, and making a positive difference in the world. Guided by the spirit of our patronessSaint BartolomeaCapitanio, we will continue to do good, knowing that love pays itself in the countless lives we touch and the lasting legacy we create.

Sr. SherineThuruthel
